
We're back on track...

As several of our loyal site members have noticed, yes, we have been attacked by spammers and we blew it because we were very late in responding to your posts/e-mails. We have now blocked many names/words used by the spammers, as well as a range of IP addresses. We've also deleted a large number of spam comments. Unfortunately, it's an ongoing battle, and it's likely that we will be attacked again. I know many have said that this never happened on the old site but today's spammers/bots are light years ahead of where they were just six months ago.


Hats and afghans/blankets for breast cancer foundation

The Power of PINK Breast Cancer Foundation sends out care packages to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients across America. We cannot keep up with blankets/afghans and hats. Anyone looking for a project for a good cause? Please spread the word. Contact us at 877/454-PINK or


Chenille Yarn

I am sooooo frustrated. I tried (about 3 times frogging) to knit a simple washcloth from chenille yarn. Sometimes I tend to knit a little too tight, so I was careful to keep it fairly loose. The pattern called for yarn overs to increase and then knit two togethers to decrease. When I got to the K2Tog, I had the hardest time getting the needle into the 2 stitches (they seemed so tight) and I would always drop one of the stitches before it made it onto the working needle.


Unravel last and first 3 stitches on Scarf??? Help!!!

I have made a scarf that says ......last line knit 3 , bind off 12 sts, fasten off. slip off first 3 and last 3 sts for making loops....unravel first 3 and last 3 sts along entire length of scarf???? I knitted the 3 and bound off the middle 12 and slipped off the first 3 and last 3 sts......but cant understand what they mean by unravel the first 3 and last 3 sts for the loops down the scarf. It is on the patons website........I am baffled and asked other knitters and so are they. I have seen the scarf on a women and the loops are down the 2 sides of the scarf.


bind off shaping

First time making a sweater. Instructions for the back reach"bind of seven stitches at beg of each row for the next four rows." How do I do this and no strand the yarn across the vback of the sweater as I continue. I am working with circular needles in a St st.

Thank you.


Yarn label questions

Hi. I have some questions on yarn labels. I have been knitting for some time now however I am confuses as to the label that is on the yarn. I tried researching but am not able to get an answer to my question. My concern is that I look at the label, and I see a 4x4 square with a certain knitting and crochet hook size and a certain gauge. What is the purpose of this?? Does it mean if I don't use the proper hook or needle size I shouldn't use the yarn?? I thought if a pattern calls for number 3-4- 5 and so on type of yarn i can just purchase that yarn and match gauge with my hook or needles.


Coats & Clark Pattern translation assistance

I would be grateful for any assistance in translating a pattern from the coats and clark "Knitting made Easy" book 0102. I am a beginner in knitting and have already completed a small portion of the pattern starting with the back of this sweater pullover. I am at the stage where I need to increase the fabric. I understand the abreviations listed but fail to understand the direction or "Logic" behind the abreviations. The pattern instructions are as follows: (increase): Rib 2(4-6-5-7-9), *inc in next st. Rib 3: rep from* to last 3(5-7-6-8-10) sts.
