
Reverse Shell Stitch

Can anybody help me?? I started to crochet a reversible shell afghan, and row 3 says to do a reverse shell as follows....(insert hook from back to front to back around post of st indicated, draw loop through) 7 times: yo and draw through 8 loops on hook. I have tried reading it over and over, and trying to do it, but it just don't work, or I am just not understanding it. I tried to look the stitch up on the internet, and have had no luck there either. Could it be called something else?? It is a pattern out of the red heart super saver book, Pattern #J27.0004-7C.


diagonal joining line

When I am crocheting in rounds (to make a hat, for instance), why do my stitches "travel" to the right with each completed round forming a diagonal line? I don't have this problem with double crochet, but it always happens with sc and hdc. Am I "joining with slip stitch" to the wrong place?


Pattern help connecting in the round

I'm new to crocheting. I don't understand which stitches these are referring to when joining round to round:

The shell pattern is 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dcs

Chain 5 and join with sl st in first chain to form a ring - No problem here.

Round 1- Ch 3, dc in ring, ch 1, [work 2 dcs in ring, chain 1] three times, join with sl st in top of beginning ch 3; 8 dcs and 4 ch-sps. Question: which is the top stitch of beginning ch 3?


Woven Relief Stitch in 63 Squares...HELP!!!

Hello!! I'm working on the 63-Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make An Heirloom Afghan Leaflet 555...and I'm on Square 18: Woven Relief Stitch. In Row 1 you're supposed to dc in each chain across to make 25 stitches. I did that no problem. In Row 2 it says: ch 1, turn; work FPdc around the post of 6 sts. I understand all that...what I don't understand is, do I FPdc around the first dc on the end? Or do I go to the next post that's got a dc on each side of it?? Does this make any sense to anyone? Thanks!


Help with crochet pattern

I am making a sleeve for a shrug and am having problems. Here is what the pattern says:
Row 1: (Right side): Dc in fourth ch from hook (3 skipped chs count as first dc) and in each ch across. {26} dc.

Row 2: (Increase row): Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first dc, sc in next dc and each dc across to last dc, 2 sc in last dc: {28} sc.

Row 3: Ch 3, turn; dc in next sc and each sc across.

This next step is where I am having problems in the pattern:

Continue to increase one st at each edge in same manner, every other row, {15} times more; then increase every fourth row, {1} time(s): {60} sc.
