
Hi, I'm to the site and doing crochets. Need advise Please!

Hi All,

I just bought a pattern and looked at the instructions and was pretty confused off the bat. Can somebody please help explain what I need to be doing. I am familiar with the terms sc and ch, so I don't need any tutoring there. The pattern tells me to start with a Base: 14 ch + 1 ch (what does that mean they say + 1 ch after you have made a 14 ch). Next for the first round they tell me to make 1 sc in the next 13 ch, 3 sc in the next 1 ch, 1sc in each of the net 12 ch, 2 sc in the next ch (is this all done on the first row?).

Thank you in advance,



Leisure Arts Heartwarming wrap baby blanket - need help!

Hi! I am starting a crocheted baby blanket for my dqughter who just found out she is pregnant! Woohoo!!!! I am totally confused by row 2: Ch 5 (counts as first dc plus ch 2, now and throughout), turn; dc in next dc, (2 dc in next ch-2 sp, dc in next dc) across to beginning ch, ch2, skip next 2 chs, dc in next ch: 99dc

I am not as good at crochet as knitting, but this is the pattern she wants. The pattern is in Leisure Arts little books "So sweet baby afghans" Pattern 2 if anyone has done it. Thanks for your help! Beth


Long single crochet around dcs just made

Afghan Pattern says : skip next sc, dc in next 3 sc,work LSC.
Afghan stitch guide describes Long Single Crochet (LSC): Working AROUND last 3 dc made, insert hook in skipped sc, YO and pull up a loop even with last st made, YO and draw through both loops on hook.
I can't figure out one goes AROUND stitches already made to make the LSC in the skipped sc and then continues on
back in the original direction


im new and need help

i did the first row with no problems the i got to row 2 and now im lost. they are as fallows:
row 2
(right side)
CH 4 (counts as first dc plus ch 1, now and throughout)
dc in same st
ch 1
(dc in next dc, ch 1) twice
(dc in next dc, ch 1 ) twice
* (dc, ch3, dc) in next ch-3 sp
(dc in next dc, ch1) twice
ch 1
(dc in next dc, ch 1) twice
repeat from * accross to last sp
skip next ch
(dc, ch 1, dc) in next ch changing to green in last dc


front & back cross cable stitch HELP, please!

my daughter found a pattern for a scarf she likes. there is a lot of cabling in the scarf & i've never done cabling before. i am so lost in this pattern. i'm fine w/the FPdc, but it all falls apart for me at row 25. i thought i was ok, but my project looks nothing like the pattern's picture. row 27 was even worse! can anyone PLEASE help me figure out how to work these rows/stitches? the pattern (& original link) follow:




long ago i saw a pic of crochet w/colorful stitching that appeared to be crochet on top. woven thru and between. i don't know what to call it to be able to search online. could anyone help
